Youth Leaders

You are: A young person wanting to grow as a leader…not become a leader…because you already ARE a leader

You want: An engaging, thought-provoking experience with a professional that speaks to you as a young person, your actual experience, real-time stress levels, and wide-open span of possibilities; someone who can share with you insight from a variety of different industries as you chart the course for your professional journey

Not: Someone who speaks down to you, doesn’t value your input, or treats you as ‘less than’

Julie has been working with youth her entire career - ever since she stepped into a science classroom in Cincinnati, Ohio and started teaching middle schoolers about protons, neutrons, and electrons. Fast-forward a few years (decades) and (tens of) thousands of kids later, Julie now channels her passion for helping people grow as leaders to any age group she can. Some of the savviest questions she’s ever received or the most challenging comments have come from the 5-year-olds in the audience wanting to dig deep and understand who they are as leaders.

  • Pick your favorite keynote and Julie will customize it to you as a young person. Dealing with stress? Let’s talk about how to manage your energy and build resilience. Love STEM? Let’s apply that lens to your leadership journey.

  • Working as a team happens at all ages with the same opportunities, challenges, and chances to grow together. Let’s get outdoors today and build for the future.

  • Looking for a new way to talk about leadership? One that invites people in, on an equitable playing field, so that everyone can participate equally? Julie has created Book Club guides and discussion prompts specifically for youth leaders.

“Julie brings an incredible energy, enthusiasm, and passion to her work. Her expertise, innovative ideas, and networking skills greatly add to the success of a program.”

— Sean Russell, director of youth leadership programs, EarthEcho International